Female adventurers – part II

Croatian ruins - AndAdventure

Dragojla Jarnevi´c was among notable members of the Illyrian movement in Croatia. According to New World Encyclopaedia, this movement aimed to create a Croatian national establishment under Austro-Hungarian rule through linguistic and ethnic unity among South Slavs. The movement was also focused on getting back to the roots, rediscovering the country and its beautiful landscapes.

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The movement was initiated by a group of young Croatian writers, mostly man, with Dragojla being one of the rare women that played a noticeable role in the movement. Dragojla decided to spent her life unmarried, focusing on being independent in every way and with her way of living defied the common present role of a woman being there for one sole purpose, giving birth and taking care of the family.

Except for her literary interest, she enjoyed taking long hikes in the beautiful nature of the surrounding area and, as seen from her diary, used every opportunity to escape to nature and climb the hills and mountains inner Croatia was abundant with.

She is thought to have been somewhat of a pioneer of Croatian mountaineering. Her climb on Oki´c, which she did without any equipment whatsoever and moreover barefoot, is thought to be the first climb in the history of Croatian mountaineering. This direction of climbing to Oki´c is today known as Dragojla’s trail. The climb was done in 1843., 31 years before the first Croatian mountaineering association was founded.

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Dragojla was yet another brave woman in mountaineering history that decided to go against the currents and follow her own ambitions. It took courage to play the role that she chose for herself in the society and the time she lived in. She often faced with misunderstanding from her family and friends, but that did not change her decision to stay fateful to herself and if not for anything else we should congratulate and admire her for that.

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